The Allergy Season Is Getting Worse Due To Climate Change

Climate Change

If you dread the allergy season, it’s about to get a lot worse due to climate change. According to scientists, the amount of pollen in the air will increase as temperatures continue to rise. This will lead to worse bouts with allergies for many.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 20 million Americans suffer from allergies caused by pollen and dust. Over time this number has increased. In 1970, about 1 out of 10 Americans suffered from hay fever. However, the possibility rose to 3 out of 10 by 2000.

The Pollen Season Is Getting Longer

During winter months, plants do not release pollen because of freezing weather, but the number of freeze-free days is increasing. Thus the pollen season is beginning earlier than usual. Not only will this continue to increase in length, but also plants that produce a lot of pollen like ragweeds will begin migrating north.

If current trends continue, the allergy season is expected to become one month longer by the end of the century. While the temperature increase is a driving factor, it is not the only one. Plants use sunlight and carbon dioxide to create the nutrients necessary to live and since the amount of carbon dioxide has increased, this will help plants grow.

This means the allergy season is getting longer and will be affecting northern areas more than in previous years. In particular, Maine, New York, New Hampshire, and Vermont will see increased levels of pollen in the future according to research.

Tips For Those With Allergies

Allergy Medication

While allergies can be really annoying, there are plenty of ways to deal with them. For starters, consult your doctor to find the best allergy medication for you. Without a doubt, you have noticed that there are entire aisles dedicated to allergy medication in stores. Finding out what makes your allergies tick is critical to selecting the appropriate medicine.

One of the best ways to reduce allergy symptoms is to reduce your exposure to an allergen.  In this case, pollen is the allergen and human hair collects it. One of the best things to do during allergy season is to take a shower at night. This will ensure that any pollen collected in your hair will not end up on your pillow.

While there are ways for humans to deal with allergies, surviving climate change is another story.

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